Training Exercises
for Controlling Diver Stress & Panic*
*DISCLAIMER: These exercises are NOT intended to be a substitute for professional treatment. Consult your personal physician or therapist before using them if you have a history of Panic Disorder or Claustrophobia or any other anxiety problems.
Part 1: The Causes and Symptoms of Diver Stress
Copyright 1980 Tom J Griffiths, Ed.D., Reproduced with permission.
The listener learns the causes and symptoms of diver stress and how to recognize these traits in themselves and others.
Part 2: The Calming Breath Response
(Diaphragmatic or Belly Breathing)
Copyright 1980 Tom J Griffiths, Ed.D., Reproduced with permission.
The key point is understanding that breath control and relaxation go hand-in-hand. The listener also learns the “Calming Response”, a technique combining stomach breathing and autogenic phrases. The calming response is a fast and effective way of improving relaxation and performance. Scuba divers, using this technique, can significantly increase breath control and relaxation within 5 – 10 breaths. Many on-site treatments are discussed for nervous divers preparing to make a dive or already in the water.
Part 3: Mental Rehearsal for Controlling Underwater Stress
Listeners are placed into a deep state of relaxation and then guide them through mental rehearsal utilizing imagery. This is the same technique that world class athletes use prior to their events. Slow breathing, relaxing, and thinking clearly are strongly emphasized, especially when stressful scenes are rehearsed.
Copyright 1980 Tom J Griffiths, Ed.D., Reproduced with permission.

Part 4: Systematic Progressive Relaxation
Copyright 1980 Tom J Griffiths, Ed.D., Reproduced with permission.
Listeners are led through a number of exercises designed to increase their awareness of physical and muscular stress, while providing several techniques to directly relieve that stress. The listeners are taken through steps for full body relaxation, so when this side is completed they will hopefully have reduced their own physical stress symptoms. If not, they may simply listen to the audio again or go through the same process without the benefit of the audio.